Family Dental
The condition of the mouth is a reflection of a person’s overall health. That is why regular cleanings, X-rays, and exams help patients of all ages stay strong and pain-free. When it comes to your family, excellent dental care and oral hygiene is important (and ultimately saves money on more costly problems).
While brushing twice a day and flossing is a well-known approach to care for teeth and gums, regular visits for family dental in Forest Lambton Shores help to keep everything in prime condition. When looking to protect the health of your loved ones, find a reliable local dentist who offers a wide range of quality dental services to young and old alike. Lambton Shores Family Dental is proud to provide quality care.
Our professional and experienced dentists, Dr. David Wu and Dr. Manvir Grewal, understand the importance of dental health throughout life. We address individual needs with a patient-centred approach. You won’t be “just another client” to us; each person we treat deserves care, attention, and understanding. We stay on top of the latest in dental technology and products to ensure patients receive the most current dental care available.
If you require family dental care, Forest Lambton Shores has a warm and comfortable atmosphere at Lambton Shores Family Dental. We foster an environment to make patients comfortable and at ease, recognizing that both the very young and very old may have apprehension about sitting in the dentist’s chair. Sedation dentistry is available to relieve anxiety and is offered in an attentive atmosphere to guarantee your safety.
Enjoy a positive experience while caring for your oral health; call us today at (519) 704-1400 or fill out our contact form. Our team of warm and friendly dentists are pleased to be partners in oral health with the whole family. We enjoy shaping up healthy smiles for patients of all ages.